Thursday, October 20, 2016

Water Warrior to Future Bulldog!

Congratulations to Oconee Senior, Danielle Della Torre!  This is the smiling face of a future BULLDOG! We are very proud of you! #waterwarrior #futurebulldog

Swim Practice Info

Good Morning Everyone! I believe most of you received the email regarding practice times, but just a reminder:

Based on pool times we could get and how things have worked out they situation will be as followed:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays 6:45-8:30 (come dressed and ready for dry land BEFORE practice)
  • Tuesday and Thursdays: 7:15-8:30
  • No practice Friday

In addition we will be swimming mixed with Clarke and ABSC due to the lack of lane space and the size of our team. (good problem to have)  Students will be grouped some days by ability and others we will be by team. We will all be co-coaching amongst the teams on mixed days so that swimmers can get the best out of the season and develop their abilities. 

If you have any concerns please feel free to contact Coach Springstead, but I think that it will work out great!

Swim schedule has been posted on the website.  Results and Meet Summaries will be added as the season progresses

Also, please have your student email Coach Springstead their phone number if they have not done so.  This is for group texts so everyone can be reminded and updated regarding dry land, practices and meets. Coach Springstead's email is
